For many years, Clayton has said that when he starts a church he's going to go through the phone book and count how many churches are in Spartanburg County, add one number to it and that'll be the name. If there are 290 churches, the name of the church will be Church 291.

​​When Clayton and Hope knew that ​​the Lord had given them the green light and set their efforts to plant a church in motion, Hope googled "How many churches are in Spartanburg County?" returned 246 results. Hope sent a text to Clayton that said, "Church 247." Immediately the significance of that number confirmed God's hand and direction. Clayton's mantra has always been that the church doesn't have four walls or a brick casing or a steeple or pews. We are the church. And we are to be the church around the clock, 24-7.

Church 247, we love it!​​